These two made me a mother. It is a great thing to be a mother and now I am a step-mother.
We had a wonderful mother's day. I hadn't had both girls with me on Mother's day for years. I sure enjoyed it. We all just hung out for the day. I fixed a great meal : ) and fed the whole family - 11 in all. My first taste of motherhood was when I was 24. We had been married for 5 years and thought it might be time to have a kid around. We were both through college and I was teaching school. So, Michelle came into the world on 8-8-80 at 1:30 in the AM. She was 8 lbs 2 oz. When she was 2, we decided she might need a brother but the Lord gave us another girl. She entered the world on 9-1-83 at 9 lbs. 4 oz. at 9:30 PM. I have enjoyed being a mother. They kept me busy for years, running here and there. They were in a private school so, it kept me on the run. When they were 14 and 11, I became a "single" mom. That was a little more of a challenge as I tried to juggle a job, the home and them. I loved being a stay at home mom and if you are one - I am jealous. I would still like to stay at home. Then, 2 1/2 years ago, I became a step mom to two adult children. They are so much fun too and I have enjoyed being their step-mom.